Thursday 1 October 2015

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 2 - Battle Arena

During our second lesson we had to start building our battle arena, but first before the lesson we had to do some research and a mood board to give us a rough idea of what our battle arena would look like.

We then started to build our battle Arena on Maya 2016. This is my Battle Arena, its on a bridge and there are stairs leading to a underpass joining bridge but has a much smaller space to fight on ; these on high up on a rocky cliff. I still haven't quite decided what the theme will be but I will soon get there. 

This is roughly what I want and I added some images that aren't part of the mood board because I didn't have space, personally I think it may be a bit too much to do or I'm just chucking what I think is cool but when I properly start making it,, I will cut it down a lot more.

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