Tuesday 27 October 2015

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 6 - Foliage

We followed another tutorial but this time in out own time as we ran out of time in the lesson.

It was to learn how to use foliage to create grass or tree branches. So I got a side view shot of a batch of grass.

I then went into the Channels and added a alpha channel. Then went back to my normal layer which add the grass on, held ctrl and left clicked the layer to select the image within the layer. Then switched back to the channel Layer and filled it in with white.

The parts in white we can see when we take it into unity and the black background will be blank.

So I took it back into Unity and applied the texture on a plane which I rotated 90 degrees in the y axis to make it face us.

Then simply duplicated the plane again creating the illusion like its real.

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