Monday 26 October 2015

CGA Visual Design Lesson 6 - Zombie! (Halloween Special)

In today's lesson we were given a 3D female model in Maya 2016 and a Photoshop layout of the different structures of the girls texture.

So we had to change a few things to make her look for like a zombie and add some extra stuff such as a different texture or pattern on her jacket and such.

Here is the layout that I ended up with, I was quite sure what kind of themed zombie I wanted such as the type of clothes and other things. In the end I decided to do a girl that as gone on holiday in a tropical area but sadly came at the wrong time and turned into a zombie.

It was really fun and there was so much more I could have done like adding more blood splats on her jacket and trousers but over I think it ended up pretty good.

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