Saturday 24 October 2015

CGA Visual Design - Lava monsters


For extra work we had to do out side of out visual design lesson was to use the technique we developed in the lava lesson to come up with 3 different lava concept monster and pick the best one we had and use the same technique we used in class to colour it in

Concept 1.

 Concept 2.

Concept 3.


I decided to do concept 2 as the final piece because I liked the body shape of it the most and the concept of it holding its own head in its hand like its been knocked off but its still alive and walking.
I had a bit of trouble trying to get the right background colour as the monster itself is pretty dark compared to the contrast of the lava so tried not to over do it that you can even see the monster any more.

Over all it was very fun to do and I could maybe dim down some of the lava as it seems like there is a bit too much on the monster but I really wanted it get the glowing effect on it which I developed in class but adding the lava like style and then using the soft round pressure opacity brush to rub out the lava leaving behind the red kinda of glow instead of it being a direct lava source.

I also developed some technique such as how to add drips and where lava should run down from varies cracks and other sources.

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