Monday 19 October 2015

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 5 - Blending Materials and Tiling Textures

In today's lesson out teacher showed us in a step by step tutorial on how to blend materials, so first we made a plain landscape in Maya 2016.

Then we had to go into hyper shade and open the Hyper Shade FX

Once opened we had to drag 3 texture maps, 2 LerpOp and a VertexColour onto the field. We then assigned the 3 texture maps with 3 different textures, being grass, mud and rocks. Then we had to join them all together in the right way which ended up looking like this. Once done, we can then close it or minimise it and then assign or drag the texture onto the terrain we made to get it some texture. 

When done, it was default as grass so we had to open the  Paint Vertex Colour tool under the Mesh Display tab. 

Different colours were assigned to the 3 different textures so think it was red, white and blue/black that was assigned to the textures. Once done selecting the colour and trying which was which, we painted our terrain/landscape.

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