Tuesday 27 October 2015

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 6 - Mushy's (mushrooms)

In today's lesson we had to follow a step by step tutorial shown by our teacher on how to model and paint a mushroom on Maya 2016, we also had a open document if we got lost or fell behind.

First of all,we modelled our mushroom.

Then we took a UVsnapshot and make it a Targa file and opened it on Photoshop.

we then processed to colouring the parts in on separate layers and added detail to them such as the moss and white round circles and such.

Then added some Radial Gradient.

We then went back into Maya 2016 and opened up Hypershade and assigned the Targa file onto a lambert.

Then assigned the texture onto our mushroom.

I also did another one but in another colour using the same UVsnapshot although I did change the shape of the mushroom after applying the texture which is bad because I can see the UVmap with change and the texture will not really match.

Here are both of them together.

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