Thursday 8 October 2015

Life Drawing - Session 3

Today we did the usual 3 minutes each of 5 drawings.

We then spend 10 minutes each on 4 drawings but this time we use gesture drawing which much faster and bolder lines. we had to choose which one we liked the most and which one we disliked the most at the end of drawing them giving a reason. I disliked the top right one as you can see below because the the proportions were out of place and the lines weren't very refined.

I liked this one the most out of the 4 because it was the one that had the best looking proportions and it was clear.

We then continued to do a 15 minute using our opposite hand+gesture drawing.

Then moved onto drawing out model using the side of out charcoal. As you can see I did the first one shading her one and, using a little bit of light tones to identify the different parts of her body. I didn't quite like this but the during out second attempt, I used the side of the charcoal just to draw the outline of out model and adding in some shade where parts are darker,

for out last 30 minutes, we tried some thing different. we had to do 2 drawings ( 15 mins each) during the first one we had calm/slow music playing and we got to choose in what style of drawing we got to do. So for the slow/calm music I just drew the model like I normally would. For the fast pace music, I used the gesture technique as it was best suited for it, but the results were very clear. it was fun and quite different to see how other and myself did depending on the type of music we listened to.

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