Monday 5 October 2015

CGA Visual Design - Crustaceans art concept

For extra work we had to do design and paint some creatures based off crustaceans using silhouettes. So we had to watch the FZD school character Silhouettes tutorials. and

I did had a look at some crustaceans and these are the ones I like the most and based my creatures off of.

So first off I started drawing out the drawing them off in greyscale. 

Then moving onto adding detail still in grey scale but using much lighter or darker amounts of grey or even white. 

Then I finally added some colour.

These are the final outcome, I found the technique very interesting and fun starting off with some grey shaded shapes and then eventually adding detail into what they appear now. I did how ever find it a bit difficult to be able to make it look like the parts are more distinguished just by using the lighter and darker so instead I added black outlines but hopefully when I do something like this again I would be able to.

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