Tuesday 20 October 2015

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 5 - Stone Floor Tiling

We had to follow another tutorial which I did after class because we ran out of time in the lesson.
The tutorial was about creating a stone floor texture in Maya 2016

So first off by following the tutorial, i had to make at least 6 different cubes with different shape and sizes.

Then by using the grid as a base on Maya 2016, I placed the blocks around the grid, didn't matter if a block was completely in the grid, parts of it just had to be visible. Then I filled in the middle how ever we wanted.

Then I had to create two planes, one was used as a base to cover the missing kind of gap between the blocks, also named as the ground. a second plane which was going to be used to apply the baking on by using the Turtle Plug in.

So by using the Turtle plug in, we baked the blocks. When baking we had to have a Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Displacement layer or file.

Which we then took into Photoshop and and structured the layers like so.

We had to copy the 3 main layers and combine them.

Then I added a rocky texture to make it look more natural, the layer was Layer 2.

Then also add a bevel effect and some Sue/Saturation effect as well .


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