Friday 9 October 2015

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity Lesson 3 - Unity!

This lesson was just a introduction to unity and showing us the basic things in unity, such as placing blocks, a ground and many other things as well as it being similar to Maya 2016 in the way of how do things.

So for the lesson we had to go into the unity assets store and download the Standard Assets (!/content/32351 ) and import them into unity.

We also learnt a bit about lighting such as the suns direction and other lights, but for the lesson we had to create just a random terrain and hit the play button to go and wonder around it just for us to get used to unity and learning the basics. We also had to make sure we don't fall through the ground or walk through walls that we had placed into unity from Maya 2016, so we learnt that we had to put in a mesh collider, mesh renderer and animator.

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