Wednesday 28 October 2015

Life Drawing Session 6

Today we did the usual 5 minutes drawing of 5 quick poses.

We then had to use charcoal and another type of media, I chose a orange marker.We had to do 2 drawings having 15 minutes between them. So we had to look at our model and draw using both our hands simultaneously using the charcoal and our other media we choice.  I found it quite difficult as we had to look at our model and look both of the drawings and as you can see I kind of prioritised my right side more than my left.

Then we moved onto 30 minutes drawings ( we did 2 drawings ) focusing more on the posture and detail of out model.

First drawing. I liked this one a lot because it's the best drawing I have done so far; the posture and shape and the size of the body parts look good as well  look good in my opinion apart from the chair.

Second Drawing. For this one we were only aloud to using different tones of shading to make out our model.

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