Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life Drawing - Session 2

For our second session of life drawing, we had a man this time and the same as last time we did a few quick 5 minutes drawings of him in different positions and poses.

We then moved onto the 10 minutes drawings but this time we had to use our non dominate hand or our off hand.

We then moved onto something else, for the first 10 minutes every one had to draw him to make him fit the whole A3 sheet. Then the next 10 minutes we had to move to the easel on our right which had that persons drawing of him and had to drawn on that personal sheet our of perspective of how we saw the man ;erasing, drawing over to make it better. Then we moved on again to the person to the right to do the same thing for another 10 minutes, in total of about 30 minutes. This is how my one ended up after the 30 minutes.

Then for the last 10 minutes we did another drawing, we got to use either to draw with or domain hand or to use our opposite hand to improve or experiment a bit more. I stuck with my dominant hand.

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