Sunday 11 October 2015

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - One sheet, Story Board and Map ( First Mile Stone )

My concept of the walking simulator we have to make into a actually 3 minute game by the end of Christmas is about  a former investigator in the police force, he joined for the very sole reason of gathering information and finding the person that killed his parents when he was at a very young age . Although upon join the police force as investigator , he quit a few years after and his role as a investigator didn't bring him closer to his parents killer so he decided to do so without the police force. He finally founds some information on the whereabouts of his parents killer so he decides to take a plane to that destination, although upon waking up on the plane. You see no one else on the plane apart from yourself and so you go through the plane to look for clues and information on the disappearance  of the other passengers on board.

I'm not quite sure how well it will go or even if it will be entertaining enough to last the 3 minutes of game play but along the way I will come up with more ideas on how to slow you as the player down from getting to the end and hopefully making it interesting.

It may seem boring walking up and down a plane but I believe the story board I have provided below will at least spark some of your interest, disappearance of the people on the plane. Searching for clues and information and looking through other passengers belongings if you really feel like it and  I hopefully plan to add some Easter eggs ( gaming Easter eggs, not actually Easter eggs ) within the game to make it more enjoyable.

I've may sound like I'm trying to over do it and I probably am since I only used Unity for the first time in my life last week but I really want to make it something special for every one, a game without the use of running around and shooting people which seems like most games these days.

So below are bits and pieces of information about the game, story board and a well... drawn picture of a plane.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. Could be a really interesting piece of work. Good to see you are considering the players path already. Well done so far.
