Monday 29 February 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 21 - Composition

At the start of the lesson we watched a video on understanding composition and learning the different ways to catch the viewers eyes by looking at the Focus Point, Structure and Balance.

Link below:

So after watching this video we provided a image of a house and using that image and the knowledge we have gained from the video, we then had to implement it in our own way.

Original Image :

So for the image we used the rule of thirds structure for our painting and is started of quickly and neatly blocking parts in.

Finished painting things in.

 Then added some lighting.

I didn't move things around too drastically or enlarge or de-scale things either which doesn't bring out my creative skill such as having the house maybe top right scaled down and having the cactus on the right but enlarged. Although I may come back to it and do it that way.


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