Friday 19 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity Week 19

So in lesson we did some more coding continuing from last time for the little game. So we followed the coding our teacher done.

So first we made our bullets die after a certain amount of second so the game doesn't crash when so many spawn. We also added in a 2 layers which ignored the bullets colliding to each other and destroying themselves.

So we added a script for the enemy so that when they touch us we die.

We also added in a spawner script for the enemy , so they would spawn in random places within the screen.

We went back into the Manager script and added a respawn for the player when you die.

We also added a script for the enemy so that die when coming in contact of the bullet. 

We made the enemy a prefab so we can drag it into the Manager script where the enemy repawn is as well as the player respawn. 

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