Thursday 18 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) Ewan Broke it in a good way?? and Mushroom solution

After adding the second background in, we then faced a problem with the mushroom propelling us like I mentioned last time but I have fixed this do not worry. I will get onto this just a bit later.

After doing trying to get the mushroom to propel us into a certain place we then had a bit of a problem with how big the trigger was on the player and how uneasy it was to kind of jump or move away from a ledge of wall, some times even getting stuck.

As you can see the box collider on the was quite big so it would get stuck on certain things or do things which I wouldn't expect it to do.

In this part it got stuck to the rock platform, some how the colliders was sticking to each other or even just hit the rock platform and propel you straight down to death.Although when stuck, after moving around a bit you could break free. 

Then you got stuck again... this time on another rock... and you can't jump up or anything.. just stuck and then fall into the spikes which kill you.

Our Lord and Saviour Teacher Ewan helped me abit by adding a Physics 2D material and attached it to the collider with the following settings below..

With this, Ewan broke my game that I worked so hard on... (sad face) and I quote roughly on the lines of "I broke your game... look at this I  implemented wall jumping. I made your game fun now, ohh yesss". At least to say it was quite funny to watch and yes it did actually made the game fun after partly breaking it. Now we know that Ewan seeks joy in breaking his students games ( not intentionally or maybe just mine because I asked him for so much help before.)

Now the problem with this is just the tap or tab of the D or left arrow key will send the player ice-skating quite far away.... but other than that onto the good part...

 So after having a laugh at Ewan partly breaking my game (in a good way) he did indeed implement a wall jumping mechanic in a way... so essentially instead of actually wall jumping you kinda just slide up the wall... which again was quite funny to watch when Ewan tested it out. 

Now onto the good part... I found a way to improve or implement a better way for the mushrooms to propel you to where you need to be.

So I got some help from a fellow class mate and he helped me a bit on how I could do this. He suggested that I should use a Area Effector 2D which was perfect for what I needed. This basically propels the player in the direction you want it and the amount of force you are propelled at upon entering the trigger.

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