Sunday 28 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity- (Group Project) Main Menu and Intro

One of my group members have done the main menu as well as the start/setting and quit buttons.

So I took these's into Unity and created a script which the start button and quite button works and will do as it suggests... the setting button is there but there is no setting page yet so I will do that when I have the time.

I have applied this piece of code onto a canvas and set up the buttons this way.

I have also added some animation to the clouds so they would move.

Upon pressing the Start button you are then taken into a short schematic which one of my group members have done.  Here is a small snippet of it.

After the schematic is done you would enter the beginning level which I painted. Then walking to the right would lead you to the first level of the game.

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