Wednesday 24 February 2016

CGA Visual Design - Insectoid 3 Quarter View Part 2

A purple mantis with a slight mutation to it?

When I first started the 3 quarter view drawing, I got very frustrated simply because I did quite a complicated design for my insectoid and I never really properly before done a drawing/painting in a 3 quarter view but all the struggle was worth it in the end. 

I spent a good few hours or so trying to get the body parts in the right proportion and how it would look, using the model sheet did help me to a certain extent but I still struggled quite a bit when I first drew it out, it looked quite flat and nothing really stuck out.  In the end I am quite happy with the outcome but not the best .

A warrior known for it's skill to assassinate others species as it pleases for the enjoyment of killing. It's species don't have a kingdom nor travel in packs but individually. They can be hired as assassins to kill, the harder the kill, the more exciting it gets.

While looking at my bug, it kind of reminded me of General Grievous from Star Wars, maybe because my bug as four arms so I some what resembled my bug to Grievous. So after finishing my bug I decided to do something Star War themed.

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