Monday 1 February 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 17 - Animated Sprites

In today's lesson we did some animated sprites in Photoshop using the Timeline which can be found under Windows.

We were given a pig like guard and the animation was of it walking towards us. So first we had to add glowing eyes onto it just to warm us up.

So this was what we started off with excluding the glowing eyes.
So we animated using each different layer at the bottom left, so what we want to see and don't want to see, we had to turn on/off on the layers tab to the right.

This is what it looks like.

Then secondly we had to do the same thing but this tine we were given this girl and we had to add what ever we wanted to give her.

So I decided to give her quite a weird cap and a baseball back and tried to make the background as if she was in a baseball dome.

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