Monday 8 February 2016

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 18 - Whole body and Clothes!

So I duplicated the one half of the body from last time to the right hand side and combined as well as joined the vertexes together to make one single object.

After that I proceeded onto making some clothing for my statue. Originally I started off with the belt as I though it was the core feature which the robe is formed below the waist. I added accessories to it trying to make it look close to my model sheet that I have done. 

After doing the belt, I then proceeded to do the robes starting with shortest one , then the medium lengthed one to the longest one which all together forms the basis of the robe.

It would have made my life a lot easier if I had used a plane instead of using a cube which I have flattened out and divided and extruded. The reason I did not use plane was because at the time I though what if you were able to see under the robe when I put my statue into the position I wanted it to be in so i just made a cube and extruded out the faces row by row.

After making the robes I added some accessories to them.

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