Friday 12 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactvity - (Group Project) Alpha! game testing

I haven't really done much but 2 group member have done a final design for the first level and a  rough design for the second level.

All I had to do was put them all together in Unity.

We did have some issues game play wise when our teacher was testing the game but mainly it was how the you as the player could move around. I did quite a bad shop at putting 2D box colliders in places where you could walk which didn't match the structure of the floor which the character stood on. the flow of the characters movement was very poor so in the end.

 I deleted all of the 2D box colliders and instead put a 2D Polygon Collider on the the ground which basically just makes a outline of the floor where you could stand on. Immediately it was 10x better but there was still a bit of a problem. In the first level as you see below there is a part where the floor dips too far down off the image. This was bad so I asked one of my group members if they can fix it as soon as possible.

I also decided to just use the concept art for our third level and put that into unity as well, just to make things easier for myself and where things are meant to be and what I need to do next

I have also done a script when you enter a trigger it will take you onto the next level, sadly don't know how to do this for multiple levels on a single script so I had to made more scripts using this piece of code.

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