Monday 15 February 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 19 - Perspective Exercise

For today's lesson we looked at proportions a bit more but instead of looking at 2 point or 3 point perspective view of a room, this time we are looking at a 2 point perspective of a hover car.

We were provided a image for reference. 

First we got the top view if the image and cut the car up into different sections to help us get a better view of the proportions. This made this a lot easier to do when drawing it out.

I decided to make the view points quite far away to really give off that 2 point perspective.

I then started to roughly draw out where some parts were going to be.

Then neatly drew over it and adding a few extra things as well as changing bits and pieces.


In the end I didn't really do much, because we only used the image we were provided as a guide and reference and  didn't want to spend too much time on this piece of work... well to like make it into a actual painting of a hover car in my own style because I'm not so great at stuff like this.

Over all I just wanted to get the proportion and perspective of the hover car done so it may make it easier some time in the future to draw futuristic vehicles and such but I'll come back to this some time to properly finish it off and give it some colour.

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