Monday, 29 February 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 21 - Composition

At the start of the lesson we watched a video on understanding composition and learning the different ways to catch the viewers eyes by looking at the Focus Point, Structure and Balance.

Link below:

So after watching this video we provided a image of a house and using that image and the knowledge we have gained from the video, we then had to implement it in our own way.

Original Image :

So for the image we used the rule of thirds structure for our painting and is started of quickly and neatly blocking parts in.

Finished painting things in.

 Then added some lighting.

I didn't move things around too drastically or enlarge or de-scale things either which doesn't bring out my creative skill such as having the house maybe top right scaled down and having the cactus on the right but enlarged. Although I may come back to it and do it that way.


Sunday, 28 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity- (Group Project) Main Menu and Intro

One of my group members have done the main menu as well as the start/setting and quit buttons.

So I took these's into Unity and created a script which the start button and quite button works and will do as it suggests... the setting button is there but there is no setting page yet so I will do that when I have the time.

I have applied this piece of code onto a canvas and set up the buttons this way.

I have also added some animation to the clouds so they would move.

Upon pressing the Start button you are then taken into a short schematic which one of my group members have done.  Here is a small snippet of it.

After the schematic is done you would enter the beginning level which I painted. Then walking to the right would lead you to the first level of the game.

Friday, 26 February 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 20 - Yoda!

So today we were given Yoda and a colour wheel.

For this Yoda we had to use desaturated Complementary colour scheme ( Using 2 colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel). So I chose the light blue and the darkest orange using on the desaturated colours.

For the second Yoda we had to use saturated Analogous colour scheme (a group of colours next to each other on the colour wheel) So I chose from the lightest green to the lightest orange on the colour wheel, using medium saturation  but varying  it a bit to get some harder parts in.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) Gems

I drew a gem and then took this into our game. This is going towards our score system which I will put in some time soon.

First I made a script where you can pick up the gem. 

I have also changed changed the Enemy script a bit so when the enemies die, the gem will then spawn from them. I have made it the bats will drop  2-3 gems while the slimes will drop 1 gem.

game play:

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

CGA Visual Design - Insectoid 3 Quarter View Part 2

A purple mantis with a slight mutation to it?

When I first started the 3 quarter view drawing, I got very frustrated simply because I did quite a complicated design for my insectoid and I never really properly before done a drawing/painting in a 3 quarter view but all the struggle was worth it in the end. 

I spent a good few hours or so trying to get the body parts in the right proportion and how it would look, using the model sheet did help me to a certain extent but I still struggled quite a bit when I first drew it out, it looked quite flat and nothing really stuck out.  In the end I am quite happy with the outcome but not the best .

A warrior known for it's skill to assassinate others species as it pleases for the enjoyment of killing. It's species don't have a kingdom nor travel in packs but individually. They can be hired as assassins to kill, the harder the kill, the more exciting it gets.

While looking at my bug, it kind of reminded me of General Grievous from Star Wars, maybe because my bug as four arms so I some what resembled my bug to Grievous. So after finishing my bug I decided to do something Star War themed.

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 20 - Hair

So I started with the hair earlier in the week but this time I really messed it up to the point where my teacher had to step I and save my hair. After saving it we then took it into ZBrush and make it look more like a hair and to give it detail. I finished with this.

Life Drawing Session 18

We did the usual 3 minutes each for 6 drawings as a warm up.

We then spend 1 minutes on each drawing while the model was moving and pausing. This is to help us draw quicker and to get as much detail of the models body and posture down. 

We then did some perspective drawings for the last part.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) More levels and talk on mini boss fight

Some of my group members have done the 3rd and 4th level as well as the 6th level. I have painted the 5th level ( Mushroom Village) and the Mushroom Guardian which you can see in the 4th level and can be considered a mini boss/ boss.

3rd Level:

4th Level:

Now for the 4th level where you encounter the mushroom guardian which you would have to fight as it is considered a mini boss. Not much happens really at the current moment in time.

The only thing that it can really do is walk towards you and smash the ground causing a wave of spikes to come up and damage you as well as the mushroom guardian being very tanky of 500 health points. The staff can do 40 points of damage so you can just basically stand on the left and spam the shoot button until it dies as I haven't implemented a cool down system or a mana system for the staff yet.

So over all it's a pretty boring fight and not much goes on, but it's one of the biggest things that will happen in our game so I will try to find some way to make it more fun. In the end, if I can't find anything do anything about this fight scene, I will properly just scrap it and just add some slimes and bats ( Of course will talk to group members about it)

We came up with a few interesting ideas to try and make it fun such as maybe it throwing mushrooms at us, or when it smashes the ground spikes will fall down and damage us and him. It sounds good and all but my knowledge of coding isn't that advanced compared to others even though I'm the main coder for the group. Also trying to make a full fledge battle sequence for a boss is beyond me but I can get some of my group members to maybe help me out in the future when we have the time.

My teacher did also tell me making a boss fight is just as hard as making demo version of out game or would be just as long maybe, but even still I want this to be in the game because I'm stubborn and I want to get it done. Maybe not a full scale battle scene but just some extra stuff that can make it more fun and challenging without breaking the game or impossible to kill. If only I can make it like Dark Souls, real hardcore game play there but that will most likely be even harder to make.

 5th level (mushroom village):

The mushroom village would be considered a safe zone where you can rest up and talk to some of the villages and also be given a quest by the mushroom elder when we bring him in.

6th level: