Monday 14 March 2016

CGA Visual Design Week 23 - Brush Technique and Speedpaint

At the start of the lesson we watched part of a video explaining the use of opacity and flow in Photoshop.

Link (short 5 minute section at 36m21 secs of this Bobby Chiu video

So we were given a blob and was were suggested to use a soft round pressure brush with a low opacity and flow setting around 30% and 20%.

 Original blob:

Finished blob. As well as using a low opacity and flow, we were also suggested to use 50% grey.

Next we moved onto some speed painting.

Original Image of whalekid:

Overall I am quite happy with the out come but some of the shading I have done is not the best that i could have done. Not everything really blends in and I feel like the contrast between the light and dark areas are very distorted and doesn't quite look right. 

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