Friday 18 March 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) Dialogue and Score fixing

Another member of my group project has done a script for dialogue so now you can talk to the Leader of the mushroom village and the mushroom kid for the story.

 Slight problem
While I was playing through the game to test out how it is and to find any bugs that I could fix, I encountered a slight problem with the score system. I can carry the score I currently have through to the next level which is fine but because I have't actually done anything to punish the player for dying such as reducing the score. The player can just kill the enemies in the level and collect the gems and die in that level and repeat the process to get a higher score because I haven't don't anything to reduce the score.

Kill and collect gem, score =2

Die and respawn, score =2

Kill again and get gem , score = 3

So as you can see this is quite a big problem but not one that is hard to fix so I added one line of code onto the player script where if you dye, you would lose 3 points.

Then I encountered another problem.... you would now go into the -/minus score. This can be easily fixed as well.

Then I add this in. I tested it in game and it works, so basically if it is a score such as 1 and I die normally it will subtract 3 points away but instead of doing that it will set the score to 0.

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