Thursday 3 March 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) Improved Enemies and majorly stuck

I have made a new script for the slimes where it will walk back wards and forwards in certain areas like they are patrolling instead of making them move towards the player.

 Now the part where I'm majorly stuck is a new script for the bat's which I have been working on for quite a while just trying to get it to work. I tried to do a raycast which will constantly target the player and will hit the player when it is visible or when there isn't a wall or something blocking the raycast. So when the bat "see's " the player it would then move towards him but the problem is that it isn't hitting the player at all. This is a major issue and I don' quite know how to fix it but for now I guess ill leave it as following the player when you enter the level.

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