Friday 15 January 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - Group Project Concept Art

We have 5 members in the group including me. Anya, Dan, Elsie, Weiyi ( we just call him Ed because we don't actually know how to say his name and he told us to call him that to make things easier.) and me. We have done some concept art for our group project.

I don't have all the concept art on me but I think I have enough.
Anya has done some rough animations for our character and his general design of what we kind of want him to look like... maybe not in this style but we wanted some one in a robe which you can't see his face. So far she has done a walking, melee and magic attack animation.

Dan has done quite a few off bits and pieces for monster as we have decided to made out game in a cave.

He has also done some concept for the character on the left, a few weapon that could be in the game as we were thinking of a inventory system. Some Mushroom people and mushroom Elder for the mushroom Village.

 Elsie has also done some monster designs as well as the animation and what they would look like.

Mushroom elder and people, we as a great quite like these concepts quite a lot and will most likely use theses when making the game.

She has also done a the small monster rock animation, and we are going to use the design of the little rock monster from my concept which I will show in a little bit.

Ed... er well... I don't have any of Ed's concept art sadly but they were amazing and really cool... sad I can't share it as I don't have them.

Me well... I have done some mushroom people.. looking at different types of mushroom as well a what they may look depending on the gender as well.
My mushroom elder concept..

We also have a idea for a kind of mushroom brute or guardian that would protect the mushroom village from outsiders.

Small rock monster design's and rock boss at the end of our game.

Left one was a rough concept that either Elsie or Dan did but then I did a more detailed and neater version on the right.

We have quite a lot of ideas at this moment in time and many concepts, I'm hoping to get every we want in but we will see I guess when we start making the game.

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