Monday 18 January 2016

CGA 3D Art Production Lesson 15 - Hand

So in today's lesson we had to follow a tutorial on how to model a hand. So we used the provided reference to help us.

First we made the palm of the hand and a bit of the thumb following the reference.

After making the base of the hand, I then proceeded to making a finger, I had some trouble with making the nail of the finger so I got some help from my teacher.

After making the finger i then copy and pasted it around to make the other 4 fingers and the thumb.

I smoothed them out to see if it looked like an actual hand, so far it looks reasonable.

Then I combined the thumb to the base after deleting some face and parts that weren't needed and merged the vertex from the thumb and the base. I repeated this action with the fingers one after another. 

This is the end result but I still have a few things to fix.

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