Friday 25 September 2015

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity Lesson 1 - Creativity

For our first lesson of Gameplay and Interactivity, we where put into groups of five. Each group then had to put out two random words out of a box, what ever two words the groups got; in the end we had to come up with a game idea and present it to the class at the end.

My group got Library and Rainbow, so we came up with a new games ideas such as making it a very basic where you you a gun that shoots the 7 different colours of the rainbow out to colour in the library, but you had to go and run around to get each colour. Our ideas progressed a bit further to making it where the colour of the library has been sucked out so its all black and white, and you had to run round the library looking for the colours to restore the library, making it kind of a puzzle game looking through specific items in the library such as a red book and such.

About half way through the lesson we came up with the idea of making focusing on a much older audience where you as the player was put in a coma and wake up in the coma at the front desk of the library. You have no idea who you are and how you got here but you as the player need to mind out why you are here and how you got into the coma. So we decided the game would be a first person mystery puzzle.
There are seven coloured doors of the rainbow within the library, containing puzzles for the player to solve and at the end of each door, you recover a piece of your memory and which ever colour door you complete, the library also gains that colour back. You can choose which ever colour door to go through first, memories would not be in order so at the end of the game you need to piece everything together. We decided as you progressed through the game and each colour door you complete, the library gets more distorted and creepy , almost turning it into a bit of a scary tense atmosphere. The player can leave at any time choosing where to end the game where they are or to continue to play though the game and find out what happened.

By then when we almost finished our game idea, our teacher gave us his attention for a brief moment. He gave a small talk about some thing called the One Sheet which looked like this.

We then add to go through this sheet before finally presenting it to the class.
We had to give the game a title which in the end my group din't come up with.

The X, which is the description you would read of the game on the back of a game case or on game sites such as G2A or Steam.

The X : " name of game" is a first person puzzle solver. Enter the game to find out who you are by collecting information and what mysterious lies within you.

The 4 Pillars, which are the rules of the game which can not be broken. The game is based around the 4 pillars to make it challenging.

The 4 Pilars: Can not see or hear the player/character.
First person keyboard and mouse ( can use a controller )
Can not do 2 things a once e.g walk/run and jump
Follow the Colours of the rainbow.

The Player Piece, which is the character profile.

The player Piece : Alexander Cage , a female in her mid 20's not much is known about her. Play through the game :)

Other important information and mechanics : Search for clues and solve the puzzles in each coloured door to unlock a flash back.

At the end of the lesson when each group represented their game ideas, all the ideas were very interesting either being a complex game or even a simple one.
In the end some groups including ours came up with a idea for a game that was a bit too complex where we could have just gone with some more simpler like earlier when I mentioned running around the library with a gun to colour it in. I think in the end my group came up with a idea and stuck to it instead of focusing on one specific target and made everything mound around our game. It was a good experience and helped me learn alot.

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