Sunday 3 April 2016

CGA Visual Design - Sci-Fi Ship

So for Home work we had to come up with an idea of a sci-fi military ship that is believable and is set in the next 100 years.


I have done quite a few concepts, I went back to looking at form language when we had to do quick sketches and concepts for sci-fi digging/construction machine/ vehicles and looked at things flow with each other and what changes would suit each other which I then combined together.
 I chose the 2 that I liked the most, and after I looked at which would be the most easiest to 3D model and would look best when it was finished... personally I think both would have looked really cool with a finished 3D model. In the end I decided to choose number 1 because it is almost has  perfectly round semi circles or square shapes which can be easily done in Maya 2016.

I then went on to quickly tidy up the sketch and do a top and back view to help me when modelling it.

After Modelling it, I then did 9 normal renders from different angles... just experimenting and exploring the best view I could have it in.

After I did 4 more renders but this time I had a light source to bring out some of the areas better giving it more depth and detail.

I narrowed it down to 3 which I thought was the best. I wanted one which has the view on almost everything and the would which would be the coolest so I chose the first one.

I did some quick colour schemes and added some textures onto them. I wanted an idea of the ship that's already been out in battle so I put a texture on which had quite a few scratches on a metal.
To give more impact to a certain area, I have also put a kind of dent texture on as well. I have also out on some rust texture to make it look like it's been out there for quite some time.

When I was experimenting with different colours to find which one I liked the most, I kind of added different bits and pieces of detail for each one to give out more characteristic while also trying to match the colour or it was just to change things up a little bit.

In the end I liked the green one over all because the colour stands out far better than the others and I felt like it has much more of a impact. Over all I am happy with the final piece, although I could do something between the contrast of the ship and earth as it looks like it doesn't quite fit each other. The 3D model was roughly the same as what I had planned it to be but changed a few things to put and such.

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