Monday 18 April 2016

CGA 3D Art Production - Final Battle Arena and Statue!

So this is the last post for my battle arena and statue... over all i am happy with the outcome but i would liked to have spent some more time working on some of the textures that i have used as some were just repeated textures. I wanted to expand the battle arena a little bit more like make it a bit more bigger to suit the statues and make them fit in properly... for example the ones of the bridge felt like they didn't have much space between them to show off their awesomeness. 

Although time was of the essence and I had to make due with what I had, everything wasn't perfect like the massive statute in the back where Zeus is holding a thunderbolt didn't quite blend in into the mountain and stands out quite a bit. I may work on this over summer and see what i can do to improve it by my self with out the help of my teacher this time... 

I guess all I can do now is wait and see what happens. Thank you for joining me and this weird little adventure through making a battle arena and a statue!

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