Monday, 18 April 2016

CGA 3D Art Production - Final Battle Arena and Statue!

So this is the last post for my battle arena and statue... over all i am happy with the outcome but i would liked to have spent some more time working on some of the textures that i have used as some were just repeated textures. I wanted to expand the battle arena a little bit more like make it a bit more bigger to suit the statues and make them fit in properly... for example the ones of the bridge felt like they didn't have much space between them to show off their awesomeness. 

Although time was of the essence and I had to make due with what I had, everything wasn't perfect like the massive statute in the back where Zeus is holding a thunderbolt didn't quite blend in into the mountain and stands out quite a bit. I may work on this over summer and see what i can do to improve it by my self with out the help of my teacher this time... 

I guess all I can do now is wait and see what happens. Thank you for joining me and this weird little adventure through making a battle arena and a statue!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

CGA 3D Art Production - More positioning

When I was still in the process of modelling my statue I wanted it to be in two positions, the first was Zeus holding/throwing a thunderbolt and the second one is him in the atlas pose holding up the bridge which is in my battle arena.

So I got a few images looking at more closely at the at the body position and how the hands will look as this was going to be a bit harder to rig.

When I finally finished positioning it I though I would make full use of my statue as I wanted two statues holing up the bridge, one on each side and as one part of the bridge is party broken I though why no make another one which was already in the right position a bit broken? so I did that.


Thursday, 14 April 2016

CGA 3D Art Production - Rigging!

So for rigging and posing my Zeus statue I wanted to do what Zeus is known for... throwing thunderbolts so I got a few images of him in a throwing position and changed it a bit to suit the position I wanted it in.

When I was doing the thunderbolt, it first looked like a toothpick... then I decided to look up a few images of different thunderbolts. I like the bottom left and to right one the most so I combined them together and implemented the other images together as well but not as much.

In unity:

Friday, 8 April 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) - Updated Hearts and Mana Whisps


So as you can see i have done a updated sprite sheet for the hearts for the game.
 I have also updated the wisps.

In game:

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

CGA Gameplay and Interactivity - (Group Project) More things, Mana System and actual Wall Climbing!

As I mentioned before one of my group member has done the dialogue system after doing that he then implemented other things to help make the story of the game go more smoothly .

Such as when fighting the mushroom guardian... when you beat him a new scene will load and a village will come and interact with you taking you to the next stage,

He's done some more like when rescuing the little mushroom kid.

Now onto the mana system, I got an other group member to try and do the mana system almost like how when I did the Health system although this didn't work in the end .

So in the end i got some help with Ewan and he told me that we can use a Slider in the canvas to be used as a mana bar.

So I made the mana static so it's gllobal, now all i had to do was use a script to reference the mana from the player onto the slider which is used as a mana bar.

I was being stupid and a idiot and I tried to do it in a way which wasn't even logical or was thinking long way's round it... in the end I asked Ewan for help again and he did a ManaGUI script for me.

 After that it was't too hard... all I did then was add something into the Weapon script where if the player had more than 0 mana it would be able to shoot and as a consequence would take away 10 mana... so effectivly it would cost you 10 mana to shoot out of 100 mana. I then do a else return where if it then only had 0 mana remaining it would not shoot.

I then quickly made a sprite of a "mana wisp" and added it into game.

I then made a piece of code and attached it to the gameobject which has the mana wisp sprite.
What the code does it basically Give you back 30 mana when collected if your current mana is less or equal to 70. I also did else state to set your mana vale to 100 if you had 70/80/90 mana left otherwise without the else statement it would give you more than 100 mana which isn't what we want. 

Now onto the proper wall jumping. I removed the Physics2D material from the boxcollider on the player which made the player iceskate and move up walls..

So instead added a few things into the player movement script.

(This part was in the Void Update function)

 I added a wall check onto the player which Is placed slightly in front of the player.
 Then attached it to he movement script.