Friday 16 September 2016

Cyborg concept 4

For this concept a lot of it came from the antagonist in Assassin Creed Chronicles China called Shao Jun and felt like it was the perfect example for an Chinese Assassin that could come in a Video Game. I have also used her official art to use as reference for the pose as well since I found it very similar to a pose I originally wanted to use and since i'm not so good at drawing body proportions i free hand drew the body first while looking at the image and comparing how close i was to the concept art, the adjusted and kept changing until it was pretty much the same.

I wanted this concept to be a high class secret assassin that would work for the higher standing people in society but didn't want to have her covered in armour or just a robe so I took a bits from Assassin creed again and looked at traditional Chinese clothing as well. I also want her to have some thing like a hidden blame but not quite the same but like a sword and then I thought of Lan Fan From Full metal alchemist brotherhood and took a bit from that as well as the sword comes out from the elbow.

Got to appreciate that nice painted face though :P

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