Saturday 7 November 2015

CGA Visual Design - Tentacle Monsters


For extra work outside of our Visual Design class we had to design and paint a tentacle monster, so I got a mood board as you can see above. I got a mixture of different images and different concepts  such as a beast, sea monster or a more humanoid creature. 

Concept 1

For my first concept I wanted to do a kind of sea creature with tentacles as most tentacle creatures come from the sea. I ended up with it having a sort of shell head for protection with two different types of tentacles; the standard tentacle and the suckers.

Concept 2

I wanted to try a more humanoid creature on my second concept to get different variations. I made it so the creature had normal hair but then have tentacles growing them it along with a small creature biting into her shoulder as well as a much better creature behind her.  


Here is my final piece, I felt like it was quite hard to get the right colours on it for some reason that I can't quite explain, but I tried my best. I also think the lower part of the body seems a bit off and needs some improvements but overall some what happy with it but I will go back to it to make some improvements. PS shading was quite hard to do, wanted to do it like it was in the abyss where it is pitch black but then you wouldn't be able to see the creature.

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